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President's Message
January 2011

Welcome to the New Year and what we all hope will be a great one for our club and each of us. In December I was promoted from vicepresident by election to herd this organization of sky gazing cats to seek a new vision beyond the horizon. Great rhetoric eh? It should be a fun year for me and I hope for all NHAC members and friends as I work with this year’s slate of officers comprised of some veterans and some new faces to bring interesting and educational programs and activities to the North Houston astronomy community. I believe we can do that and at the same time address approaching challenges which include a slumping membership (please renew if you have not done so already!), the continuing search for the ideal dark site (West Texas is too far for an evening’s trip), and others. I am confident we will succeed in our goals because I feel the commitment of the officers and everyone as evidenced by their willingness to support outreach activities, to arrange refreshments for a meeting, or to help clean up afterwards. We are always open to ideas and comments directly or via email. So as they say in at the Cape – let the countdown resume as we prepare to launch this year’s NHAC journey.
Bon Voyage!

Bruce Pollard

© 2011, NHAC