NHAC Email List Server

An email list server provides an easy and convenient way to allow club members to exchange information with the entire group by sending just one email. By sending a message to the list server, all members who are signed up will receive the message, and the need to send out multiple emails is eliminated.

Please observe the following guidelines when using this service:

  • This service is provided to NHAC by Netslyder Inc, a local Houston company, for the posting of astronomical and club related messages only.
  • Please avoid sending personal messages, which should be sent directly to the individual concerned.
  • The list is primarily, but not exclusively, NHAC members. Keep this in mind when making a reply.
  • "For Sale" messages, by NHAC members of used astronomy related equipment, are permitted. Dealer or commercial sales messages are prohibited.
  • Do not send large attachments with your email. Use links whenever possible.
  • Use of "text only" email format is suggested.
  • Use of obscene or offensive language of any sort is unacceptable. Offenders will be removed from the list.
  • Collection of user email addresses for commercial or marketing purposes is prohibited.
Remember that by clicking on "Reply" to a posting, your response will go out to the entire list, not just to the individual. In most cases a response to the group is desired, however if you intend to respond privately to the sender, remember to change the addressee. Note that your personal email address is provided on the list servers [From:] header.

To Sign-Up, or Change Your Email:

Please click the button to agree to the above guidelines before proceeding.

To UNsubscribe:

  1. You must send the email from your subscribed email address.
  2. In the body of a new message, put the words: unsubscribe nhac
    (Subject doesn't matter)
  3. Send the email to: imailsrv@netslyder.net
You will receive an email confirming Successful Unsubscribe.

© 2010, NHAC